2009年10月15日 星期四






There’s something you should know about us. We can’t stand the status quo—especially when the status quo stinks. That was literally true back in 1982, when you had two options for getting garlic into your meal: chop up a fresh clove and have your hands smell for the rest of the day, or settle for a couple of thin, dry flakes tapped out of a plastic container. For our founder, CEO, and Famous Inventor David Holcomb, there really was no option. He had to do better, and he knew he could.
Fast forward a few decades and David’s first creation, the Garlic Machine, has become Chef’n. We’re a growing Seattle-based company with more than 250 product patents worldwide and a single mission. We want to make better tools so you can make better food. It’s what drives our in-house design team to reinvent the utensils and gadgets that most of us take for granted while we’re cooking and cleaning. It’s what attracts the terrific, talented people we’ve welcomed into our Chef’n family. And it’s what compels us to tell everyone we meet about the innovation Chef’n products can bring to their kitchens.
Is anyone listening? Well, the design awards and magazine covers seem to say yes, but for us the true test is in the homes of real people around the world. So put one of our inventions to work, create something delicious, and we look forward to hearing from you about your Chef’n experience.

有些事你應該知道我們。我們不能袖手旁觀現狀,尤其是當現狀發臭。這是字面上的真正早在1982年,當你有兩個選擇讓大蒜到您的餐:砍了一個新的丁香,並雙手氣味的休息一天,或定居的一對夫婦薄片挖掘出一個塑料容器。對於我們的創始人,首席執行官,以及著名發明家大衛霍爾庫姆,真的沒有辦法。他做的更好,他知道他可以。 快進了數十年,大衛的第一創作,大蒜機,已成為Chef'n。我們是一個成長西雅圖的公司有250多家世界各地的產品專利一個任務。我們希望更有效的工具,讓您可以更好的食物。這正是推動我們的內部設計團隊,以重塑器具及工具,大部分我們理所當然的,而我們現在正在醞釀和清潔。這是什麼吸引了了不起,人才我們歡迎到我們的Chef'n家庭。它就是我們不得不告訴大家,我們滿足對創新Chef'n產品能夠帶給他們的廚房。 有沒有人聽?那麼,設計獎和雜誌的封面,好像說是的,但對我們真正的考驗是在家庭活生生的人,在世界各地。所以把我們的一個發明工作,創造一些美味,我們期待著聽到您對您的Chef'n經驗。 (系統翻譯文)


